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The silicone mold choice?

  The choice of the form of a silicone mould and die line selection is very important:

  1. For the sake of the silicone mold modulus is more convenient.

  2. The silicone mold die line should fall in does not affect the overall effect of the product.

  3. Does not affect the product quality, such as water series product line position is too high, seal line when much of the material, production has been prone to cracking;

  4. Reduce the process operation process, such as open half mold.

  5. To prevent mold silicone rubber flow around the mold of a wood or glass fixed in the scope of a rule, mold and die before had a point distance and the time it was separated with wood and clay piece that part of the first open, requires no gap between sludge and mold, clay surface smooth level off

  If need more detailed operating Dongguang Honglian silicone, we will provide you with the most professional knowledge.